Audiologist and researcher Dr. Julia Campbell shares her insights into the state of misophonia research and how we may get ...
Including simple techniques and precautions that help the ears adjust more easily to pressure changes, read on to find out.
From their adorable snort to bulging eyes and ever-endearing waddle, smush-faced dogs are increasing in popularity due to ...
Frogs are adept at hunting prey but that doesn't mean they're always coordinated. Here's why uncontrolled landings cause ...
Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, ...
Left untreated, some conditions that cause ear pain can lead to hearing loss. But effective treatment can usually relieve discomfort and head off complications.
Discover how your diet can impact tinnitus risk. Fruits, dairy, and moderate caffeine may reduce symptoms significantly.
Know the harms of water balloons on ear health, and prevention tips to stay safe and have a healthy Holi celebration.
An analysis found that four types of food could offer protective benefits against tinnitus, a condition affecting an ...
Have you ever heard of ski sickness? This little-known condition is akin to motion sickness and seasickness. Here’s what we ...
An analysis of the semicircular canals in Neanderthal ears reveals evidence of a 'bottleneck' event, leading to a reduction ...