The medical drama Grey’s Anatomy premiered on ABC in March 2005. The Shonda Rhimes-created series, narrated by Ellen Pompeo’s character, Meredith Grey, follows the personal and professional ...
Dr. Arizona Robbins wheeled onto the Grey's Anatomy scene in her trademark Heelys during Season 5. This cheerful, confident and feisty new doc refused to let anyone walk all over her — even Dr. Bailey ...
Alex Breaux, who's playing a mysterious season 5 character, is our new Dr. Brenner on stage. T.R. Knight, meanwhile, plays Vecna's dad.
While choosing any of the numerous shows released each year is exciting, there is a comforting aspect to picking a long-running show with decades worth of seasons and binge watching them all.
Grey’s Anatomy spoilers reveal what happens to Midori Francis’ Mika Yasuda. The November 7 episode of Grey’s Anatomy (Night ...
He’s known by his fans as McDreamy, aka stubbled neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd on Grey’s Anatomy. Patrick Dempsey won hearts around the world with his chiselled good looks and on-screen love affair with ...
Scott Speedman says Grey's Anatomy crew member hits his hand if he messes up surgery scenes: 'It's pretty fun' La Máquina, a Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco remaster, and Hannah Gadsby's new show top ...