So, prairies on private lands, usually enrolled in programs like CRP, and on public lands like Wildlife Management Areas and ...
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says that Prairie Chicken Day, typically held the first week in April, was canceled ...
It aims to keep the grassland free of trees and shrubs, maintaining the coastal prairie, one of California’s most overlooked ecosystems. Rolling hills of grass and wildflowers once blanketed ...
“Plants in prairies that are essentially ... The Kansas Great Plains Grasslands Initiative is working to preserve grasslands and prairies in Kansas. You can learn more about this USDA project ...
"The Prairie Preacher" follows Dr. Dwayne Estes, a botanist who earned his nickname for his passionate advocacy of grassland conservation. Once a child who found solace in nature, Estes now ...
2025 — Researchers have identified priority areas for conserving the black-tailed prairie dog in the United States. Protecting these regions will also benefit North America's Central Grasslands ...
On this western rim of the great dish that holds grassland to the heart of the continent, the mix of altitude, climate and soil is just right to bring prairie flowers to a last hurrah before the ...
Area farmers and ranchers gathered Sunday afternoon at Pioneer Bluffs near Matfield Green for a “Conversation About ...
Different parts of the world refer to their grasslands by different names – for instance ‘savannah’ in Africa, ‘cerrado’ in South America, ‘prairie’ in North America, ‘steppe’ in central Asia, ‘meadow ...