With Passover just over three weeks away, local Jewish congregations and groups are organizing community seders.
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Exodus and its connection to slavery and liberation.
President Sissi said to float idea during meetings with other Arab leaders, though he has publicly rebuffed suggestions his ...
Work may be done for six days, but the seventh day must be holy for you—a complete rest from work—unto G-d. Whoever does work ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
The first demand of the “people” was that the purportedly deceased Moses be replaced with numerous leaders. Perhaps they ...
Parshah Ki Tisa is a particularly sobering portion of the Torah. It recounts the episode of the Golden Calf, as the ...
At Sinai, they saw Him face to face and said, ‘All that the Lord has spoken we will do and obey’ (Exodus 24:7) and they had become a whole nation, [so] the Holy One blessed be He said ...
The Sinai campaign was fought by a principally British and dominion force, against Turkish forces operating from Palestine, for the security of the Suez Canal. There were only a small number of routes ...
Mount Sinai Beth Israel finally has a closing date set following a long-drawn-out legal battle. Beth Israel, founded in 1889, is located at First Avenue and E 16th St., with no major hospitals ...