Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man himself, Hudson Thames, just set the record straight on his controversial comments before the show’s release. The new animated series is set in an alternate ...
Bruno Dumont’s action-fantasy satire is all the greater for its loving, quasi-documentary attention to ordinary life.
One Piece's latest chapter reveals a new threat on Elbaf, setting up a perfect battle for Luffy's imaginative Gear Five powers.
Mickey and his lovable pals assemble as a group of stupendous superheroes in What If…Mickey & Friends Became The Avengers #1.
While not a laugh-a-minute experience, Blood Typers has been a very pleasant and frequently funny surprise—a co-op fusion of Typing Of The Dead's madcap keyboard tutoring and the (still PS2-bound) ...
Just to be clear, Enola Gay was the aircraft that dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, not... a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
Paul W.S. Anderson is a modern maestro of B-movie action delights, whether or not Milla Jovovich is along for the ride.