Mariah, the Shih Tzu's owner, said, "if I physically look at him, he will think I'm calling him to come into bed with me." ...
A play date turned into a nightmare for Avery Russell, 11, when pit bulls attacked and nearly killed her. Now her family ...
A veterinarian weighs in on the dangers of using an AirTag on your pet.
If nothing else, it's a mildly useful conversation starter, and everybody knows we can use those from time to time! On ...
Some of us would do just about anything for our pets — and sometimes, that means investing in some high tech products. From ...
The Commissioner concluded the main reason for resignation was emotional distress over the dog's death: "the predominant ...
Grains of sand and lint can easily get stuck in your phone's ports and crevices. To remove it, we recommend you use Scotch tape. Press it along the creases and speaker, then roll it up and gently ...
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has confirmed that investigators have asked the U.S. Secret Service for help in unlocking ...
Officials announced Sunday that they have halted the daily use of cadaver dogs and divers during the search for missing Westminster Schools teacher Gary Jones.
Animal trainer Mary Green with K9 Manners & More joined the News on 6 team Thursday to share tips on dog training and severe weather pet safety!
She requires more potty breaks than her younger dog friends, but this smart girl also knows how to use potty pads ... Mishawaka. Phone: 574-255-4726. Website:
Senate Bill 1270, introduced in the state legislature, proposes fines for drivers who have a pet on their lap while driving.