The manufacturer of the test kits notified the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in August that many of the kits were ...
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department says it will retest 4,000 DNA samples and open an internal investigation after ...
"We take the integrity of our criminal investigations and the reliability of our forensic testing very seriously,” L.A.
DNA microscope creates 3D images of organisms from the inside out. (Image: Weinstein Lab, University of Chicago) ...
The L.A. County Sheriff's Department used DNA testing kits for months without realizing they were faulty. An internal ...
What if you could take a picture of every gene inside a living organism—not with light, but with DNA itself? Scientists at ...
For Finns and Swedes, preparedness is natural as they live next to a neighbor that poses a real threat to their security: ...
Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey says deleting personal and genetic information is the best move while the company is in ...
23andme says it owns the aggregated genetic data of its customers, meaning it can sell it to the highest bidder ...
The struggling genetic testing company 23andMe has filed for bankruptcy,, and its co-founder and CEO has resigned. Now, its ...
Me's bankruptcy raises concerns about the privacy of genetic data for 15 million users. Here's how to delete your data.
The genetic testing company holds biological information on millions of people.