If you notice a bump in or around your ear, it's likely to be either a pimple or a boil. It can be both uncomfortable and ...
Scabies mites are microscopic insects that burrow into your skin and lay eggs, causing insane itching, redness, and weird ...
Bacteria can also be introduced by contaminated water that enters the ears while swimming or when objects such as cotton swabs, earplugs, or fingers transfer bacteria into the canal ... leads from the ...
But this approach can’t see inside intact ... had a cyst-like lesion around tooth 36 (a lower left molar). This same individual also showed signs of sclerotization (hardening) of the mastoid process, ...
Left untreated, some conditions that cause ear pain can lead to hearing loss. But effective treatment can usually relieve ...
I had to have an MRI and doctors discovered I had an acoustic neuroma [a tumour in the inner ear canal]. 'We have to monitor it as I don't want them to operate on it as it's so close to the brain.
The brain may play a role in helping the ear regulate its sensitivity to sound and compensate for hearing loss by sending a signal to a structure in the inner ... down the ear canal, through ...
CERUMEN—THE MEDICAL term for earwax—is formed by glands in the skin of your ear canal, explains Brian D'Anza, M.D., an attending surgeon at the Ear, Nose and Throat Institute at University ...
Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, used an innovative imaging tool to examine the mouse inner ear and made a ...
New research on the inner ear morphology of Neanderthals and their ancestors challenges the widely accepted theory that Neanderthals originated after an evolutionary event that implied the loss of ...