Sweeping rollbacks across emissions, air quality and water pollution regulations could ease short-term compliance costs — but ...
U.S. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks wants to reverse a phased ban on TCE, a cancer-causing chemical found in consumer products ...
Regularly cleaning your TV screen is a good habit, but make sure to avoid using harsh cleaners.
A master plumber details how to unclog a shower drain at home, and -- most importantly -- how to prevent it from clogging in the first place.
Pilot Chemical Company, a privately owned and independent global specialty chemical manufacturer, announced the hire of ...
A half-cup of vinegar added to your fabric softener compartment during the rinse cycle helps to naturally soften fabrics, ...
Park improvements, funded by the Lilly Endowment Grant and federal earmark funds, are coming to Lt. Graham Edward Martin Park ...
The Okanagan Basin Water Board has announced its new executive director. Melissa Tesche comes to the organization from past ...
Vintage Energy (ASX: VEN) has achieved some early success with workover activities at its Odin-1 and Vali-1 gas fields in ...
Based on the announcement, EPA will go through the formal rulemaking process to overhaul the 2009 Endangerment Finding. The rulemaking process can be lengthy, often taking months or even years, and is ...
A public forum at the Phoenix City Council chambers offered Phoenicians a chance to hear from the four finalists for the Chief of Police. Michael Sullivan, Ed DeCastro, Ed Wessing and Casey ...