Microsoft launched the latest Surface Laptop series powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processors. As part of Amazon's Black Friday sale, you can now get up to a massive $500 discount on ...
The Microsoft Surface Pro 7 is the 12.3-inch incarnation of Microsoft’s hugely popular 2-in-1 Surface. It packs all of the power of a laptop into the touchscreen functionality of a tablet ...
If you want to upgrade your personal computer sooner rather than later, this premium Microsoft Surface Laptop 7 configuration ...
That's a 27% discount. We're approaching the end of ... As of Nov. 20, the Microsoft Surface Pro 11 (Snapdragon X Plus, 16GB, 512GB SSD) with a 13-inch LCD screen in the Dune colorway is on ...
We've gathered all the best Surface Pro deals available so you can pay the lowest price for one of Microsoft's premium 2-in-1 devices. These laptop and tablet hybrids can cost around $1,000 / £ ...
most of them are very cheap, and almost all run Windows. Microsoft has made the choice a little bit easier, however, by introducing the lightweight Surface Go 2 and then offering some big discounts.