turns Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” notion on its head. Kropotkin outlines examples of animals, plants, and human communities he had observed in his travels to places like ...
69.9 x 50.2 cm. (27.5 x 19.8 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
A decision to break a long-standing tradition and remove Australia’s monarch from the $5 note, in favour of honouring ...
In the letter - Dr Lowe said he was “seeking the Australian Government’s view on whether or not a portrait of King Charles III should replace that of Queen Elizabeth II.” Treasurer Jim ...
Among her most famous subjects were Charles Darwin, Henry Taylor and Alfred ... and would open two studios in New York as ...
If Charles Darwin had written On the Origin of Species after a long ... The Americas is as safe and conventionalized a portrait of our wild world as you could ever hope to see, accompanied by the safe ...
The couple spent 40 years together in the Uptown home where she still lives, surrounded by books, art and family portraits ... Dr. A.W. DeRoaldes, 1904; Charles Janvier, 1905; W.R. Bloomfield ...