TIFR uncover harmful effects of sugar beverages on health, proposing targeted therapies for metabolic effects from ...
Researchers at the Advanced Research Unit on Metabolism, Development & Aging (ARUMDA), in the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR, Mumbai and ...
UPF researchers have led the creation of a computational simulator that is unique in the world to study one of the causes of ...
Sheds light on how chronic sucrose-water intake altered key physiological, molecular, and metabolic processes across various ...
Running is about feeling good in your body. Here’s how to work with your cycle to get the most out of your training.
Fasted workouts are often praised for fat loss, but they may be sabotaging your muscle gains, energy levels, and overall ...
People who carry excess fat around the stomach are prone to obesity-related health issues and a new a study suggests that ...
Top recovery strategies after intense workouts: hydration, post-workout nutrition, rest, active recovery, cold/heat therapy, and health insurance support.
Catabolic neuronal pathways are those that both reduce food intake and increase energy expenditure (e.g., melanocortin neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus) and are stimulated by input from ...
A study from McMaster University debunks the idea that menstrual cycle phases influence muscle growth. Researchers found no differences in muscle protein synthesis or breakdown across the follicular ...