The series centers on the secret life of toys, primarily focusing on the friendship between Woody, a cowboy doll, and Buzz Lightyear, a space ranger action figure. The films explore themes of ...
What do Buzz Lightyear, Spider-Man and Laa Laa from the Teletubbies all have in common? They are all toys that have ended up beyond the u-bend after ending up in Lancashire's sewers. Andrew ...
As the movie that started the franchise, "Toy Story" introduces us to Woody (Tom Hanks), a pull-string rag doll who feels threatened by his owner Andy's newest toy, Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen).
"Lightyear" is a sci-fi adventure that tells the origin story of Buzz Lightyear. Instead of focusing on the action figure we know from the Toy Story films, "Lightyear" is about the fictional hero ...