(They did it, with Bradley Wiggins, in two and a half years ... whether it was the design of the bike, the helmet and the kit, the data analysis or the use of wind tunnels.
Wiggins was abandoned by his father as a child, saw his school headmaster murdered and was sexually abused as a boy by his first cycling coach. Bradley Wiggins has five Olympic gold medals.
Bradley Wiggins has opened up on his post-retirement struggles, as the cycling legend detailed his drug addiction battle and the financial issues which led to him being declared bankrupt in June ...
Sir Bradley Wiggins has bravely opened up on the difficulties he's faced post-cycling, claiming he's now "in a good place". The former Tour de France winner and London 2012 gold medallist was one ...
Sir Bradley Wiggins has courageously spoken out about the challenges he's faced since leaving professional cycling, revealing that he's now "in a good place". The former Tour de France champion ...
Sir Bradley Wiggins has revealed that cycling drug cheat Lance Armstrong funded a spell of therapy for him. At the London 2012 Olympic Games, Wiggins, fresh off winning the Tour de France ...