轿跑一直属于小众车型,但来到新能源时代后,由于其拥有较低的风阻,反而这类车型越来越多,甚至已经趋于同质化,其中 ...
为探究新生儿脑病(NE)患儿心脏生物标志物与心室功能超声参数关系,研究发现 CK、CTn-I 与右心室(RV)功能有关。 目的:研究新生儿脑病(NE)患儿心脏生物标志物与心室功能超声心动图参数 ...
B2Gold Corp. (NYSE:BTG) is an international gold producer that operates mines and advanced development projects around the world. Some of its operating mines include Fekola Mine which produces ...
为探究自闭症(ASD)生物标志物差异,研究对比 ASD 与正常儿童,发现多项指标异常,或助治疗。 自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)伴有多种症状,像重复行为、兴趣局限以及沟通障碍。
Intel’s (INTC) new CEO Lip-Bu Tan officially starts work today and he’s ready to make major changes at the chipmaker. He plans to overhaul the company’s strategic focus, concentrating on its ...
Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock has declined comtinuously over the past month with very few positive days. The stock is down nearly 36% since mid-February and has gapped down even more today. Many are ...
“但是最近我们看到美国AI泡沫的刺破,美国股市和金融市场的大调整标志着很可能美国的衰退会加速,美国债务的可持续性以及财政支出的削减的 ...
在国外,蒙内铁路、斯里兰卡科伦坡港口城、秘鲁钱凯港等一批“一带一路”重大标志性工程相继建成;在国内,港珠澳大桥、深中通道、天山胜利隧道等重大工程精彩亮相。 创新驱动 ...
The mining industry involves different exploration, extraction and processing of valuable minerals and materials. Mining stocks can be a great investment. Minerals are divided into two main ...