Historian Christa Kuljian and paleoanthropologist Dipuo Kgotleng talk to The Conversation Weekly podcast about the ...
They collected this material from the tooth enamel of an Australopithecus africanus individual whose remains were found in a South African cave decades ago. The method they used, called ...
One hundred years ago, a paper was published in the journal Nature that would radically shift our understandings of the origins of humanity. It described a fossil, found in a lime mine in Taung in ...
This often noisy exercise in projection is wholly dismissive, for example, of concerns that the man, as the conservative commentator Matthew Parris put it in The Times, is “a slob, a cheat, a ...
During the peer-review process the editor and reviewers write an eLife assessment that summarises the significance of the findings reported in the article (on a scale ranging from landmark to useful) ...
Despite the buzz surrounding smart cities in urban-policy circles, studies are lacking on the evidence for what works, what doesn’t — and who benefits.
Every year International Women’s Day sparks a momentary bout of reflection about the state of women in our society. The House of Lords has an annual debate, for instance, this year about women in STEM ...
A mandible of Kenyapithecus africanus, with many of the teeth preserved, has been found at Kathwanga, Rusinga Island, Kenya. Previously the lower dentition of this species was unknown—except by ...