Thousands of sick, exhausted and terrified young men and women, from countries all over the world squat in rows, packed shoulder to shoulder, surgical masks covering their mouths and eyes. Their nightmare was supposed to be over.
Eighty-four Indonesians freed from scam centers in Myanmar are set to return home Friday as the repatriation effort for such workers strains regional resources.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that as many as 525 Indonesian citizens are involved in online scam. They are currently trapped in Myanmar.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that it is still trying to repatriate 525 Indonesians who have allegedly fallen victim to human trafficking from
Thai soldiers provide security for the transfer of Indonesia nationals who had worked at scam centers in eastern Myanmar, on their arrival at Thailand's Mae Sot, Tak province before being sent ...
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Eighty-four Indonesians freed from scam centers in Myanmar arrived in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, late Friday, part of a massive repatriation movement that is straining regional resources.
Thai soldiers provide security for the transfer of Indonesia nationals who had worked at scam centers in eastern Myanmar, on their arrival at Thailand's Mae Sot, Tak province before being sent ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Thai soldiers provide security for the transfer of Indonesia nationals who had worked at scam centers in ...
MAE SOT, Thailand (AP ... Associated Press writer Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report.