The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention set forth the procedures for the ...
Recent archaeological breakthroughs in Pompeii, home to the UNESCO World Heritage property ‘Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata’ continue to unveil astonishing new ...
2020 State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de conservation 2018 State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l'Etat partie sur l'état de ...
The Amsterdam Canal District illustrates exemplary hydraulic and urban planning on a large scale through the entirely artificial creation of a large-scale port city. The gabled facades are ...
Nom dossier includes the authorization to UNESCO but not to third parties.
Les Orientations devant guider la mise en Å“uvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial présentent les procédures visant à la protection et la conservation des biens du patrimoine mondial, à l’inscript ...
UNESCO has opened submissions for the 2025 Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation, recognizing outstanding conservation efforts across the region. The Awards celebrate private sector p ...
Dans le cadre du projet "Créer un écosystème patrimonial durable pour le développement socio-économique en Afrique", l’UNESCO ...
Used by the kings of France from the 12th century, the medieval royal hunting lodge of Fontainebleau, standing at the heart of a vast forest in the Ile-de-France, was transformed, enlarged and ...
Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed over a 26-year period after the fire of 1194, Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French Gothic art. The vast nave, in pure ogival style, ...
À la pointe de la péninsule Great Northern de l'île de Terre-Neuve, les vestiges d'un établissement viking du XIe siècle confirment la première présence européenne en Amérique du Nord. Les vestiges ...