Desperate Housewives was a soap opera show that originally aired between 2004 and 2012 on ABC. Unlike other soap operas of ...
FilmMagic Wisteria Lane is no stranger to envy. Marc Cherry, the creator of “Desperate Housewives,” says he’s jealous of the “Real Housewives” reality TV franchise that began after his ...
However, just two years later, in 2006, Bravo created a 'real life' version of Desperate Housewives, called The Real Housewives, beginning the first franchise in Orange County, California.
By Mariel Turner Desperate Housewives showrunner Marc Cherry knows that Real Housewives may have been inspired by his ABC show, but he isn’t upset about the Bravo franchise’s success.
Desperate Housewives' and 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' ABC Photo Archives / Disney General Entertainment Content / Chris McPherson / NBCU Photo Bank / NBCUniversal / Getty Images Marc ...
It's important to remember that Desperate Housewives, the 2004-2012 ABC dramedy, is different from the Real Housewives reality franchise. Not everyone does, as Desperate Housewives creator Marc ...
Here’s how it works. That was the worst thing about when people ask about a Desperate Housewives reboot. Of course, I’m so grateful for the fans that would want that, but it’s sort of like ...
He was a twink legend. Less than 18 months after Desperate Housewives hit the airwaves, Bravo capitalized on the show’s success by launching their own unscripted take on the suburban premise.