The male wood duck is one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. We’re lucky we can see them almost any day of the week, any ...
Pro tip: Cedar shavings work best as nesting material (pine shavings clump ... Slinden said waiting until the last minute isn’t the best wood-duck-box-checking strategy.
Frank is helping in leading efforts to maintain dozens of duck boxes around Lake Juliette. These simple yet essential structures provide female wood ducks with safe spaces to nest and raise their ...
Time is ticking to register, but there’s a nesting season outdoor volunteer opportunity for community members. Gray Lodge ...
Check out more types of ducks to look for in spring. A wood duck selects a natural cavity or a nest box, sometimes up to a mile away from water. If you live near water, put up a nest box and you ...
The mother wood duck searches out a natural cavity with an entrance that is often so small she can barely squeeze in. However, they also use wooden man-made nest boxes. Here is where she will lay ...
The wood duck is one of seven species of North American ducks that regularly nest in natural cavities. The others are the hooded and common mergansers, common and Barrow’s goldeneyes ...