Two powerhouses that have been competing strongly with each other to build the world’s best quantum computers have been Google’s Sycamore and China’s Zuchongzhi research teams. For instance ...
Intel says the Aurora supercomputer broke the exascale barrier and is the fastest AI system in the world "for open science”.
and a score of 1.742 makes El Capitan only the third computer to ever reach exascale computing speeds. Exascale supercomputers are currently considered the fastest and most powerful in the world.
Whether you’re setting up a workstation or just gaming late into the night, the best desktop computers include Apple, Acer and more.
This new superconducting prototype quantum processor achieved benchmarking results to rival Google's new Willow QPU.
By combining digital and analog quantum simulation into a new hybrid approach, scientists have already started to make fresh scientific discoveries using quantum computers.