OWENS, THOMAS R. Thomas R. Owens, born August 23, 1970, died October 18, 2002. Survived by wife Misty Owens; son Nicolas Owens; one brother Tim Owens; and his parents Dave and Connie Owens.
Mackubin Thomas Owens is a senior national security fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute , editing its journal Orbis from 2008 to 2020. A Marine Corps infantry veteran of the Vietnam ...
In the south choir aisle is the tomb of the eminent judge Thomas Owen. His reclining effigy in judicial robes rests on his elbow. The Latin inscription can be translated as: Sacred to the Triune God ...
The last Owens descendant to live in the house was George Owens' granddaughter, Margaret Gray Thomas, who left the property to the Telfair Academy of Arts and Science in her will in 1875.
Owen joined the Monitor in 1977 as a summer copykid and placed his first essay with The Home Forum before he was hired permanently that fall.
Owen Thomas is the editor-in-chief of ReadWrite. Before joining ReadWrite, he was previously the West Coast editor of Businesss Insider. Don't expect to run up a tab on Square in Starbucks.