An ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will develop a strategic plan and blueprint for addressing thalassemia in the United States. In conducting its work ...
After a long struggle, and with the help of Frank Vella, a biochemist from Singapore University, we found that this child had thalassemia, an inherited blood disease that was thought at the time ...
According to a recent systematic analysis, the worldwide prevalence of thalassemia was estimated to be 1.3 million in 2021, ...
Thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder, affects thousands of people in Telangana and Hyderabad, yet awareness and understanding of the condition remain limited. We spoke to Chandrakant Agarwal ...
The highest prevalence of thalassemia in India is observed in states like Punjab, Gujarat etc, where a higher number of thalassemia carriers reside. On average, approximately 2 Lakh is spent on a ...
Ganzhou is also a region with a higher than average incidence of thalassemia, an inherited condition in which the body doesn’t produce enough haemoglobin protein, which carries oxygen in red ...