The pentadactyl limbs that tetrapods far and wide all have are examples of homologous structures. The term refers to similarities among species that are inherited from common ancestors.
This can be accomplished by simply eliminating sequences homologous to proteins for which the structures are already known. Once such a list, which may number in the hundreds if not thousands 25 ...
The non-homologous part of the DNA is un-opened (purple). Yang H, Jeffrey PD, Miller J, Kinnucan E, Sun Y, Thoma NH, Zheng N, Chen PL, Lee WH, Pavletich NP. 2002. BRCA2 function in DNA binding and ...
The search for DNA homology and formation of the junction between homologous regions is then carried out within the catalytic center of the filament. In addition to proteins that assist Rad51 ...
When nonhomologous chromosomes recombine, there is the potential for even more dramatic alterations in genome sequence and structure than LOH ... promotes the repair of DNA double-strand breaks by ...