Researchers from Monash University and Osaka University find that administering regulatory T cells (Tregs) to a tissue injury can promote healing. The team locally treated mouse bone, muscle, and skin ...
New study demonstrates that one type of lipid is so critical for immune evasion that certain cancers cannot proliferate without them. Modulating intake of dietary lipids could open up an avenue for ...
A collaboration between four MIT groups, led by principal investigators Laura L. Kiessling, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Alex K.
There is a challenge related to prostate and many other cancers that cancer cells form resistance to treatments as the disease progresses. However, these resistance mechanisms are not yet fully ...
Injecting regulatory T cells or Tregs, which control the body’s immune responses, directly into damaged bone, muscle and skin ...
A new study from Karolinska Institutet has mapped how MAIT cells, which play an important role in the body's defense against ...
Cellular immunotherapy, a leading form of cancer treatment, enlists the "warriors" of our immune system, our T-cells, in the ...