As a kid, [Boisy] cut his teeth on the TRS-80 Color Computer. It was a wonderful machine ... a 6809 microprocessor to the 6502-based machines Atari put out. To put [Boisy]’s work in perspective ...
Atari parts and accessories store Best Electronics stands bravely defiant against the march of time and technology, ...
[rossumur]’s first computer was an Atari 400 ... build does require the sacrifice of a somewhat rare and certainly old Atari SIO cable, it is by far the best solution yet seen for bringing ...
The gamepad also wirelessly connects to the Atari 2600 Plus recreation released last year and can be connected to a PC via a USB-C adapter. There’s also the $34.99 CX40 Plus Wireless Joystick ...
I do wish Atari could’ve found some room for a standard USB port or two, to offer functionality for the best Xbox controllers or best PC controllers ... Look, I’m old, but Atari was still ...
with Atari’s Greatest Hits, you’ll have access to 100 old Atari games from a single app that presents them in a beautiful interface with arcade cabinets and original box arts. That’s right, 100 games ...
Learn more › Old meets new when you hook up the Kinhank Super Console X2 Pro Retro Gaming Emulator and Streaming Console to play nostalgic Atari games on your ultra-high def flat screen TV.
Missile Command Delta reimagines Atari’s classic 1980s missile defense arcade game as a turn-based tactical title.