Some other old silicon survives in the form of cores incorporated into other chips, for example the venerable Intel 8051 microcontroller may have shuffled off this mortal coil as a 40-pin DIP ...
The M8051 is a configurable soft-core implementation of the industry standard 8051 microcontroller that features a clock compatible twelve clocks per machine cycle architecture. This microcode-free ...
March 27, 2000, DATE 2000, Paris-CAST Inc. today announced the D80530 Microcontroller Core, a new intellectual property (IP) product for electronic designs based on the popular Intel(tm) 8051 ...
Looking at the most abundant bytes, it seems to match a profile similar to the Intel 8051. In a fascinating blur of reverse engineering, he traced the main structure of the program back from the ...
If you thought the Raspberry Pi's chip was dinky, well, get a load of the nattily named Texas Instruments MSPM0C1104, said to ...
Our hardware experience includes PC-104 (Intel), PowerPC (on VME bus), Intel 8051 Microcontroller, PIC Microcontroller (Rabbit), and Texas Instrument MSP430 processors. Our software environments ...