The Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers once served as a winter home for Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone.
The Edison and Ford Winter Estates are a home ... built their winter homes next to each other about a mile south of Fort Myers' River District. Dating back to the early 1900s, the historic estates ...
I'm pretty sure I'm the reason the vintage Fort Myers Country Club reconfigured ... frequented by the likes of winter residents Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. In my youth, too many of my golf ...
That fort got its name in 1850 from Col. Abraham Myers ... friendship was formed, Edison watched movies there with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. Today the building hosts the Florida Repertory ...
Edison and Ford Winter Estates will host its annual vintage ā€œbase ballā€ game at historic Terry Park in Fort Myers. The vintage team roster includes the Awkwards Vintage Base Ball of Central Florida, ...
For the next 20 years, the building served as a temporary campus first for Edison Community College (now Florida SouthWestern State College) and then for the Fort Myers extension of the University ...