Digimon Frontier Season 1 follows the story of five children who receive an unusual message on their phone. They are eventually led into a digital world where creatures called Digimon run rampant.
Takuya Kanbara, Koji Minamoto, J.P. Shibayama, Zoe Orimoto, Tommy Himi, Bokomon, Neemon ride a Trailmon (Ball) through a desert when they get caught in a battle between human and beast Digimon.
Digimon Tamers is filled with complex, easy-to-miss lore that enhances the season's storytelling. The majority of the lore can be understood simply by watching the series closely, but understanding ...
Digimon Adventure’s series director, Hiroyuki Kakudo, will be responsible for this new project as Digimon Adventure -Beyond- will arrive for the 25th anniversary of the franchise. Taking place ...