CRISPR-Cas9, a gene editing technology known for its user-friendliness, can knock genes in or out. Knocking out a gene involves inserting CRISPR-Cas9 into a cell using a guide RNA that targets the ...
Applied at the correct dosage, this creates an array of cells, each containing a deletion of an individual gene. In the 2014 paper that first described such screens, the researchers took a CRISPR ...
They grab RNAs, proportional to their abundance, and take a little snippet of them — about 40 nucleotides — that they integrate in a CRISPR array. The array is simply a DNA sequence of ...
As a child, he visited the Galápagos, and was captivated by the islands’ stunning array of unique wildlife ... Even as other researchers swarmed into the nascent field of CRISPR research, “Prashant ...