A forgotten copy of Shakespeare’s famous Sonnet 116 was found tucked away in a 17th-century manuscript in the Oxford Library.
While flipping through 17th-century manuscripts at the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries, researcher Leah Veronese ...
Researchers said the added lines "potentially transform" the sonnet from "a meditation on romantic love into a powerful ...
The recently discovered copy of Sonnet 116 "reads as a political love song" during England's Civil Wars, according to the ...
A rare hand-written copy of one of the most famous love poems ever written has been discovered after hundreds of years. Dr ...
With Bill Newman's help, we've "decoded" a page from one of these manuscripts. To orient yourself to the bewildering world of 17th-century alchemy, we recommend you first read our interview with ...
The poem was found in a 17th-century “miscellany,” a manuscript featuring texts by various authors, according to a statement from the university. The collection had belonged to Elias Ashmole ...
A rare handwritten copy of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 has been found in Oxford University’s Bodleian Library. The copy of a musical adaptation of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 has previously undocumented.